In retrospect, the artists of the ancient world were not intending to create a catalogue of extinct species - but that is now an unignorable aspect of the petroglyphs they left behind. Mammut americanum, bison antiquus, and euceratherium collinum (all now extinct among many others) were depicted in iron-oxide on illuminated stone faces because they were important, worthy of recognition, to the people who once lived here. I believe that nothing has changed concerning this experience of any Coloradan's existence, only the animals that we share it with.
My work is wholly influenced by the natural world and its sustainability. Likewise, my materials also honor our current co-Coloradans with equal respect. Colorado Petroglyph 2022: Mammals uses methods inspired by the Sioux people (although not exclusive to them): Burned willow wood, found iron-oxide concretions, and free-range chicken eggs on sandstone - along with other natural minerals and surfaces. Each depiction is sized true to life.